Everything is edited*
I believe some of you do like my style of taking photos. Thank you very much ;) And hopefully my recent photos from iPod touch didnt upset you guyz. Well, it has been awhile I didnt really put much time on emphasizing the soul of a photo. There are many reasons of course, due to the laziness of considering the angles, the feeling of each photo, the inconvenience of editing the photo using Photoshop, and bla bla bla.
However, those problems can now be solved. Due to the existence of iPod touch! Or perhaps I should say due to the photography applications from Apple Inc. Yeah, I have been waiting for so long to own these applications since I had experienced it from other iPhone users. Btw, what I can use to describe Apple's products is "user-friendly". It is very easy to use compared to other smartphones. And cant deny that, I fall in love with Apple.
Can you feel it?
People might think that, edited photos are unreal, fake, or sometimes they even think that the photographer is trying to hide something. They are so wrong. why? In certain time, a normal photo may not emphasize the true story behind it, therefore a little bit of edit would help. As I mentioned before, designers have their own ways of designing, there is no right/wrong and no nice/ugly. Whatever, do follow me if you can feel the same way like I do ;)