Hello people ! It's been awhile.
Did you realize that I seldom blog
after I got my iPod Touch?
Laziness I guess,
lazy to open the big size laptop,
wasted lots of time on loading.
Well, spent my weekend doing my revision
but of course,
had fun during night time as usual
such as dating, movie and yam cha.
Seriously, I feel great since
I've joined the group of tattoo artists/piercer friends.
Because I can totally be myself without pretending.
I can just hang out with them
without applying any make up on,
or just express myself
without worrying whether they would judge me.
Yeah, all these problems that occured previously
have been resolved.
Thank you very much!
But honestly,
I dont feel like study anymore
after being with you all.
Cause I know all of you are doing
things that you like to do.
The freedom. The dream.
Awww... I wish I could study design too.
At least I would not feel so pressure right now.
Keep in touch people !